Cocoons (Solo Exhibition)
Abstract Thoughts Gallery, Sydney, 2022

‘Cocoons’ focuses on the body as a site of refuge. Through performance-based drawing and painting, Rachel explores form, movement and gesture as a way of marking time and space.

COCOONS is a body of work that focuses on the body as a site of refuge. Through performance-based painting, Rachel explores form, movement and gesture as a way of marking time and space. Body and mind are drawn together into an intimate dialogue. Tracing her movements, Rachel recreates an archetypal process analogous to gestation. Sound is used to guide the speed of gestures. Oscillating between stillness and movement; contraction and expansion; contemplation and action, the work is an attempt to record transitions in time. For Rachel, painting is a form of documentation. Drawing on experimental ideas from the Fluxus movement, she places an emphasis on process over final outcome. The result is an artefact of feeling, rather than premeditated thinking. Coming after a period of flux and transformation brought on by the pandemic, the work is a form of catharsis that she returns to as a kind of ritual. Viewers are invited into a deeply personal, intimate space; an embodiment of kinaesthetic experience.